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Whether you hit a design block, encounter technical difficulties in terms of HTML / CSS / Javascripts, in the search for open source scripts or simply just seeking for design feedbacks; you probably should be looking for a site where people of the same interest gathers – forum.
As a designer-cum-developer I find myself visiting forums quite frequent, not to chat but rather to check out what’s new, what’s in trend or the hottest topics discussed. Participating in forums discussion not only allows you to share your interest and techniques with fellow peers, but as well as mutually gaining in terms of skills and knowledge. Here’s a list of forums I’ve come across or been really active in. Full list after jump.
Digital Point – HTML Web Design
One of the biggest webmaster communities online.
Get your web design and development questions answered.
CSS & Web design forum.
Web design forums for designers to website design.
Graphic design forum and web design forum.
Webmaster Forum – Web Design and Development – SEO – Freelance.
Free webmaster HTML help and discussions.
Shocked resource for making designers better developers.
Resources, Design, HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, MySQL and more for your web site.
Web Design CSS Forum free Design Templates for Web Designers and Developers.
Web Design Forum , Website Hosting, Web Development Templates Discussion.
Resources, web design, php, internet marketing.
Web design and development forum.
Web design, coding, SEO.
Discuss about web design and development, read good tutorials and get free downloads.
Freelance Webmaster, Web Design & SEO community.