Twitter", is one of the most popularSocial networking sitein the world among Bloggers to promote their blogs.There are a number of twitter widgets, scripts and plugins available to integrate Twitter with your blog.
One of the best ways to find new followers for your Twitter account is to leverage any other online profile that you might already have. If you have a website, blog or other social media account linking to your Twitter account is a great way to do this.
We provide here animated twitter bird follower widget code. This Plugin is java script based and it will display an animated Twitter bird that settles on different places of your blogs visible area. If a you scroll the page, the bird will fly towards the visible part and settle in a new place and it takes random paths for each flight.When you place the cursor over the Twitter Bird "tweet this" and "follow me" links appear,through this the visitor can tweet the article or follow you.
Here we provide code for Flying Twitter Bird.
So copy the code for your site or simply Click on Add toBlogger to automatically add Flying Twitter Bird on your blog-spot blogs.
Note:- Replace "Your Twitter account name" with your twitter user name.You add just the username not the entire URL of your Twitter profile. For example, eriehuang is the username.
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